Wednesday 26 November 2014

Question 1: What is a Trailer? What is its purpose?

A trailer is made up of selected shots from the film, such as the the beginning, then the climax of the action followed by emotional scenes to attract the audience into thinking 'what will happen next!' This style of advertising can be viewed on the television, before watching other films or online. The purpose of a trailer is to tell the story in an abbreviated format, without giving away too much of the story but enough to entice the audience. Most trailers last for approximately 2 minutes, enough time to capture the viewers and to tell a brief summery. The trailer is also there to make it obvious to which audience they are wanting to attract. Before the trailer was popular, it started as a follow on from the film - trailed behind the film, this however didn't last long because, most of the viewers left as soon as the film finished.
Sound for the trailer is key because the production company will use the appropriate music, sounds and dialogue to use. From choosing this, the genre and cinematic style will be judge upon by the audience and will give more information of the story line. The choice of music for the trailer is important as that song could get listened too repeatedly and begin to achieve popularity - through word of mouth, that particular song would be known as that specific film trailer.

Initial Ideas Mind Map