Tuesday 7 April 2015

Finsihed Poster

Overall, I am happy with the outcome of my poster because everything took place with where and how I wanted it to look. It took my two lessons and 1 hour - so overall 4 hours to research, plan and create. I had a little guidance from my lecturer about how to create different effects on Adobe Photoshop. Although the appropriate program to use was Adobe InDesign, I had more experience with Photoshop and I used this program in the previous year and worked really well on it. 
I changed different parts of my poster throughout creating it - this is because I wasn't sure personally if it looked appropriate for a horror poster due to the conventions I needed to address. For this reason I asked for audience feedback from 5 different people with different opinions such as different ages, different genders and also people who prefer different genres as they are either really into horror or don't really acknowledge the genre. I did this through messaging people my horror poster and them sending their response back to me.

From the feedback, I was able to change the colour of the mask as it looked too light for a horror poster and someone commented on it saying it looked like a moon rather than a scary mask. Others made very positive feedback with one including the blood splat looking realistic.

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