Tuesday 7 April 2015

Posters to look at

Before creating my poster, I was researching a few other horror film posters which I would like my poster to look like. Although I have my ideas down, I need to understand where the title looks best and also what colour scheme I should use as well as the font and other add ons such as the credits, the date of release and the production companies. 

The obvious colour scheme to use for horror posters is black, red and white. Even though this seems to be common for this genre, I feel that the red will represent blood and danger whereas the black represents mystery and death, whereas the white can represent the innocence of the protagonist or other characters as they will be the victims in the film. I have seen that these two posters both have catch phrases/tag lines which gives a hint to what the film will be about such as 'welcome to crystal lake' - this sounds as if people have either gone on a day trip or camping trip down the lake where the killer (on the poster) is ready to attack them.  

The pictures used both represent the killers which gives me the idea I should use the main prop which is related to our killer - the mask. I could either have the model with the mask on standing just as the protagonist in Friday the 13th is standing but without the sword and either infront of a low key lighting background or in the woods as that location is a horror genre convention. On the other hand, I could experiment with just the mask on the floor covered in mud and leaves as if its been thrown on the floor allowing the viewers to feel like a mystery. Another idea would be using the studio to take low key lighting images of the mask in the center of the picture or on the side as a angle looking over the mask. 

The texts I will have to defiantly include are the credits, production companies, release date and a website incase the audience want to look into the film for more information. I will be putting these all at the bottom of the page as this is common in almost all of the posters I have looked at. I will use a 'coming soon' release date as for our trailer we chose to label the date as coming soon compared to an exact date leaving the audience wanting more. 

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