Monday 19 January 2015

Question 9: What is the difference between a teaser trailer and a full length trailer?

A teaser trailer is a short trailer that is often used to help to advertise the upcoming film. It can be released months before the due date of the official film to help create anticipation and interest from the target audience. A theatrical trailer is a much more in depth well revised longer trailer which tells us more about the plot of the film and gives us exact dates when it will be out.

The teaser trailers main purpose is to tease the audience with short snippets from the movie and by not revealing too much of the plot. A teaser trailer is normally under two minutes whereas a theatrical trailer is usually much more than this; sometimes up to four or five minutes. Distinctive features of a teaser trailer are: The length of the trailer which is usually under two minutes. In teaser trailers the producer and actors/actresses are exploited to create interest from the audience.

The length of the teaser trailer is a lot shorter than the official trailer; the teaser being 1 minute 30 seconds whereas a theatrical trailer is 2 minutes 40 seconds on average. At the begging of the teaser trailer we are instantly being exploited the directors name and his previous works. The theatrical trailer is much more heavily edited with voice over's and inter titles whereas the teaser trailer does not contain all these things. We can relate to the protagonist in films by watching the theatrical trailer as it revels more of the plot than the teaser trailer.

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